Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just a quick hello

I have spent much time on this new layout so hope you enjoy! I don't have much time to write but I will be getting back to this soon. I hope all of you have had a great summer and all I can say is bring on the Fall!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

WoW its been a while

So yea I have not blogged in a really long time and I really should so I can remember the days in our lives! Wait isn't that a TV show? Anyway we have been really busy here in the Mccurry household. We have so much going on and school is winding down finally I can't wait for summer. The boys are playing t-ball and they are doing pretty good they look so darn cute in their outfits as Grayson calls them. Riley went to the dentist today for the first time I know I am a little late with that but all was well and she has nice clean teeth and no cavities! The boys were so excited about the visit that I went ahead and scheduled them an appointment for next week. About what we have been doing around here lately my sister in law had her new baby April 16th which is my moms birthday also. What a birthday present hu? Her name is Essie Bea Mitchell she is so cute. We went to Folly beach during spring break which was our first real family vacation. It was a blast its an old school beach with only one hotel just the way we like it. Other than that we have been outside and lovin it. I have this bank in my back yard and I have really gotten into gardning and I love it. I have planted so many things on that bank maybe too much. We also have started out own garden and I tell you I don't know who is more excited me or the kids. They have really enjoyed watching our lettuce grow. I have to get to bed but I will try to get on her more often especially since for the past month all we have had is rain!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So it has been awhile again since I have posted. I really need to do this more often than I do. I am trying to think what has been going on. We had a great Christmas and New Years the kids went to moms for New Years for the second year in a row it was nice. We just went to our neighbors house and hung out it was fun though. Mom was having a little party for the kids and told them they could stay up for the ball to drop but she called me at 11:00 and said all of them including Pap did not make it. So much for staying up late. We had a great Christmas and did not really do much my sister in law went into pre-term labor and she is only 24 weeks when it happened and so we kept Junie for about three days and I got to watch her last Friday night! It is so much fun she is walking and starting to talk a little. Jatana is on the stuff that stops her labor so hopefully she can make it a little longer. I feel so bad for her with little Junie and she is on bed rest. So pray for her to make it a lot longer. We started back to school on Monday and I was not ready for that I enjoyed just doing nothing and sleeping late with the kids. Riley got a new teacher and she was a little nervous about going back but the boys were ready to go. I really thought I wish I home schooled my kids. I really do miss Riley after she has been home for so long. I just don't think they would learn as much and I could not make myself be responsible enough to get it done. I guess thats about it I am just hoping for some snow this week instead of rain rain rain....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa Santa Santa

My poor kids they think Santa is a really busy man. On Saturday I think we saw him like 4 or 5 times and we were all over the place. Frist we went to eat breakfast with him which was really fun. The kids had cupcakes, ice cream and cookies with him. Then they got to hear a story and make a craft. This was my mothers idea and it was really fun and the kids loved their breakfast. Then we went to the mall and got dresses for Riley and Junie for their family picture on Tuesday and guess what we get to see Santa again! After that we went to the parade in Columbus and it was really nice and simple.It was the perfect weather and they had this train the kids could ride and I think they rode it atleast 25 times. They had hot coccoa and morgan and I had some cider while mom ate cotten candy.It was a great time and we saw Santa again! Then went home had some chili and off to Holiwild to see Christmas lights. This place is in enman sc and its great. We all piled in the back of paps truck and rode through the zoo. It was also perfect weather for this and the kids got to feed about 100 deer out of the back of the truck. Then at the end we saw Santa again! So all in all we had a great day filled with holiday festivites and the kids got to see Santa!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Okay I finally got some new pictures up and going! I think the kids look a bit different than the ones I had before. We had a great Thanksgiving and the boys surgery went well and they are both back to normal and better than ever. I am glad that we went ahead and had all of that done. As you can see we have been at my moms alot during the holidays and phil has been hunting although that was not his deer. It was Paps the kids enjoyed it they even helped out on the cleaning of the poor thing I did not even watch. The boys are getting into something I hear water and markers this can't be good. Bye

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boys and Winter

I used to love cold fall and winter days. I have began to change my mind it is not at all what it used to be. I would curl up by the fire with some coffee and have an all day whatever good old movie is on day. I have found that lately as the boys get older this is not going to happen. They cannot seem to sit still at all. I mean we have a trampoline and they love to jump but they cannot understand that the furniture is not the trampoline for indoors. Its not that our furniture is all that nice its just one of those things that drive me nuts. I wish they had other ways to get rid of so much energy! Naps are few and far between now a days and I think they really need one sometimes. I mean they are at school all morning and play all afternoon you think they would be tired at some point? We do have nap day Thursday which I look forward to every week. The boys including Riley all take naps or atleast rest on Thursday and I actually can rest myself or just think clearly for a few hours. Enough about that I just wish if it was going to be cold it would snow so we could go play in it. I am really excited about Thanksgiving and the best part is Morgan is going to be home for over a week. Yea! I love when she comes home and I miss her a lot. I am very proud of her for going to school and doing well but we miss her. She always brings us great surprises when she comes home too! Well I have ran out of time to write Riley's bus will be here soon and off to Fairview we go. Wet paint and 4 year old boys I cannot wait!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I hear ya on the Sick

Well it has been awhile as always with me on the blog thing and still no pictures. I have been so busy though. First we are trying to fix up this rental house that we have in Fairview and it is a pain in my butt. It is fun to kinda flip it but its very time consuming. I get Riley off to school with lots of Phils help he really gets her to school most the time. Anyway then I get the boys ready and off we go to school ourselves. Then after school we head out to Fairview to work on the house. After lots of work and play we head home just in time for bed. This has been a crazy week. If I did not mention do not ever put wallpaper up in any room if you might be the one to take it down. It took me two days and help from the mexicans to get it off it was horrible and my fingers hurt from all the scraping. So that is the story on that adventure of the week. So on to a new topic the KIDS! Well, Garett has just gotten over an ear infection and 10 days of antibiotics and he complains of his ear hurting again. So we just go straight to the ear dr. and find out he does indeed have a double ear infection and will need tubes again! Grayson who I thought was fine ends up wanting to just have the thing in his ear for fun. So much for fun he also has a double ear infection with swollen tonsils and adnoids. So they want to put tubes in his ears and take his tonsils and adnoids out in a week. So I must say after spending a couple hours in the dr. office I was kinda in shock. They also told me neither one of them can hear well because of all the fluid. I thought they were going deaf. I have to go and finish my laundry so I will keep you posted on all this. By the way I would have my laundry done but the washing machine is messing up! So I have to wash once and spin everything about 3 times! Yeah for me