Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Boys are 4

I am finally getting around to blogging this week. We had a great weekend because the boys are 4 years old as of Sunday March 16th. I am so glad that they are growing up because thats just what people do but SAD because all my babies are not babies anymore. Its hard to believe that they have grown so fast. I know that every mother says that but its my turn. It is amazing to see how much a child can change in just 4 short years. They lose their baby fat and get so tall and much more agile. I have posted some pictures of when they were 1 and now that they are 4. Enough about that they did have a great birthday though. We got up on Sunday and made a big breakfast and they got to eat cake for breakfast as well, which they do sometimes anyway. Then we went over to Grandmere and Papaws for lunch and presents. They enjoyed opening gifts and eating ice cream cake. I have found its a lot better and there is usually none left. They are so funny to watch I just love to see them communicate with each other it is so cute. They would say " its OUR birthday" and compare toys and share with each other. They are just so in love with each other I can't imagine how it feels to have someone that close to you and know you like a book. Although they don't look alike or think alike you can tell they have a bond that no other siblings have. It is so cute when they sleep together and hug and kiss each other. I know that I need to Cherish these times because I am pretty sure at some point in their lives they will not be so loving to each other. I am so fortunate to have had twins and think just to be able to experience them is awesome. I sometimes feel bad for Riley because she has no twin. I know that she has her brothers but to see them with each other makes me sad for her. I think she is happy with the way things are but its just that bond I see between Garett and Grayson. As I sit here and think about it I don't think Riley would want to share her grandee with another sibling. Sharing her with baby Junie is hard enough.


Jill said...

Hey Tracy, Oh my gosh your babies aren't babies anymore. I can't get over how dang cute they are too. I love those blue eyes. they are definitely going to be lady killers when they get in school. We had Hayden's B-day yesterday. Just a small gathering of people, mom, dad, ben, ma and pa for cupcakes and ice cream. We are to much alike girl, we ate leftover cupcakes for breakfast this morning! Well i guess I better get goin...little bit is sleeping and i need to get this place piked up a little.

Hey are you still trying to butter Phil up so you can come and see me!

Julie said...

Happy late birthday guys!

I feel the same with my boys and their bond. I am so happy that I had them painfully close together now because they will always have playmates.

I love the pictures on the side of your kids....especially Grayson's! too cute!

We need to hang out!

Julie said...

I also like your family picture too. You look so pretty in it!