Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I will start with some good news which is we had a great weekend. Phil and I went to see Kid Rock on Saturday night in Greenville with our friends Russell and Tracy nice name hu? It was a really good concert and its actually the second time I have seen him which is weird for me since I am not really a music person. I like music but I am not die hard know all the musicians. I did realize something as I was dancing and singing like all the other crazy people. It is really sicking to see musicians such as "Kid Rock" standing up there having people chanting his name like he is God or something and people really get into that. It makes me sad to know that there are people or fans of any band or singer that think those folks really are God. Anyway, it was a good concert and I had a great time. I cannot say the same for my mother who again kept all three kids the whole weekend. I called her on Sat. morning to ask how the kids were and Grayson had been up all night running a fever and throwing up. I tell ya will it ever end were is the warm weather. So Sunday we drove to Polk county and Grayson was still sick but Garett and Riley they had a blast. My mom bought the boys new shoes for their birthday and Garett picked out cowboy boots so he was able to work outside with Pap all weekend and Riley just played. She actually played on top of insulation that was wrapped up and the kids were jumping on it and she got this horrible rash all over her privates. Poor thing was hurting so bad I did not even want to look at it. So we left Polk county and my mom said "sorry to leave you with sick and rashy kids". But that is her job to send them home to me no matter what the condition they are in.

The bad news is I took Grayson to the doctor yesterday and he has strep throat. Oh well at least its not the flu.


Jill said...

Hey tracy,

Glad to see that you had a great weekend! i can't even remember the last time Brian and I went out for a night on the town by ourselves. I am working on putting pictures on the computer right now so I will get those out asap. Sorry to hear about Garett. when I was a kid I used to get strep throat right around the same time every year...it sucked! they say it is highly contagious I hope for your sake the other two don't come down with it! thankfully we have been of good health lately! gotta run,

theclearspringwater said...

I had a wonderful time with the kids and the weekend was way to short. I can't believe Tracy that you didn't tell all about Grayson's COOL SHOES. The story goes: he wanted these cool spider man shoes but tracy was not going to let the soon to be 4 yr old be cool. until i reminded her that when she was in 7th grade( not 4yrs old) she wore one allstar converse low top pink and one allstar converse high top blue to school because she thought it was COOL. She finally gave in and Grayson has the COOLEST SHOES ever. Garett was so cute when him and pap where spreading straw out after they planted grass. he looked like a real cowboy picking up the bale of straw that was in the back of the truck and give it to pap (i love those little memories) Riley just wanted some alone time with Grandee and we never really got it but i promised i would get her soon for a long weekend for girl time. on sat. night about 9:30 when everyone was going to sleep she whisper in my ear Grandee can we go get our nails painted at the nail shop like we did before? this is something we girls like to do. i miss these grandkids everyday and hold on to all the little time i get to spend with them so i try to make it special when they are with me. i got alot of catching up to do with Miss Junie be it will come soon. I miss you tracy and i am glad you got some down time but get back to work taking care of the kids (they didn't get alot of rest this weekend. ops that was me who didn't get any sleep up all night changing bed sheets.)