Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October is here!

I have gotten really bad about blogging I just run out of time. I think to myself when I get home from school before I get Riley I will blog. Then I run out of time doing something else or get on the computer and get sucked into something else. Anyway, I am here now and its already 4:00 and I have to finish laundry and go stir my soup in the crock pot but it can wait a minute. Remember last post I was talking of my cute little niece well she had her 1st birthday party last weekend and it was great. My friend Autumn and I had a yard sale on Friday and Saturday of last weekend and did not even make enough for a full tank of gas! Oh well we did make enough for a case of beer and firewood so it turned out to be a good night. The boys went to the Black Hawk football game a we girls enjoyed a night at the campfire talking about girl stuff for once. I will have to say what is with people who try to Jew you down from 1.00 to .50 come on its a 1.00. You are at a yard sale for crying out loud but hey it worked on me. I am even more excited about this weekend we are having Autumns bachelorette party on Sat. I can't wait to go out and have some fun on the town. What makes it even better is my friend Jennifer from GA is coming in to visit. So I will let you know how it goes and I be sure to post some pics. We are in the middle of changing computers so I am trying to down load pics from this computer before we switch so we will see.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey its so great to read up on the McCurry's! sorry about your luck with your garage sale! damn cheapskates! Oh well! Hope you have a great time on your girls night out! Brian, Ben and I had a blast going out with all the college kids the other night, It brought back great memories, and I'm so glad you and I didn't go to a college like this one, especially you, you would never have been sober enough to go to anyof your classes! That was probably my last night out for the next 6 month! Oh well