Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Busy Weekend

Not just a busy weekend but a busy last week. The wedding was great and the bride and groom looked great and I am pretty sure they were glad to move on to their honeymoon. Hey don't worry it won't last long ha ha. I am so excited about the upcoming holidays I just love when it gets close to Halloween because then its just a rush until all the other great holidays. I already know what Santa is bringing Riley. I also can't wait to carve our pumpkins I love to do those little child things maybe this year the kids will actually touch the insides of the pumpkin. I am usually the one who does it. I am trying to think what has been going on lately with the kids not much really just kids being kids. Riley did go spend the day with my granny her great granny on Monday since it was a teacher workday. I think that is so great that she will get to remember spending time with her great granny. So the boys and I went to moms and helped her build tanks. That was fun and the kids always love going to POLK county they just run around and make a mess of everything in sight. Mom also got a hot tub that hopefully we will get in this weekend. We are going to this thing called the Boo House we went last year and the kids loved it. Oh yea Riley has her first loose tooth actually two of them. I tried to pull them last night and I just can't bring myself to do it. I think she will probably do it herself she is pretty independent. Hope you all have a great day!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey I so desperately wish we lived closer together, we really are two peas in a pod. We already carved 2 of our pumpkins and I just threw them over the fence into the tall grass, because they were rotting. I like to keep mine inside because if you put them outside you never get to enjoy them, but the warmth of the house makes them rot faster. I am currently at home with One sick kid, I had to get Hayden from school today, his teacher called and said he was just laying on the floor not wanting to do anything, and when I got there we were talking about weather we thought he was just playing becuase he had a bad day the day before and had gotten introuble, as we are standing there he threw up all over both of us! Nice huh! yeah that's what I thought, so I'm sure its just a matter of time before I get it becuase, cameron had it last week, Brian monday and Bailey tuesday! Can't wait! gotta run