Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boys and Winter

I used to love cold fall and winter days. I have began to change my mind it is not at all what it used to be. I would curl up by the fire with some coffee and have an all day whatever good old movie is on day. I have found that lately as the boys get older this is not going to happen. They cannot seem to sit still at all. I mean we have a trampoline and they love to jump but they cannot understand that the furniture is not the trampoline for indoors. Its not that our furniture is all that nice its just one of those things that drive me nuts. I wish they had other ways to get rid of so much energy! Naps are few and far between now a days and I think they really need one sometimes. I mean they are at school all morning and play all afternoon you think they would be tired at some point? We do have nap day Thursday which I look forward to every week. The boys including Riley all take naps or atleast rest on Thursday and I actually can rest myself or just think clearly for a few hours. Enough about that I just wish if it was going to be cold it would snow so we could go play in it. I am really excited about Thanksgiving and the best part is Morgan is going to be home for over a week. Yea! I love when she comes home and I miss her a lot. I am very proud of her for going to school and doing well but we miss her. She always brings us great surprises when she comes home too! Well I have ran out of time to write Riley's bus will be here soon and off to Fairview we go. Wet paint and 4 year old boys I cannot wait!


Jill said...

your not supposed to tell me these thing, I look to you for hope for the future! ugh! Sorry about your lack of sanity, I can completely sympathize with you! Miss you!

Julie said...

Boys are just wild. Mine jump on everything still. I have laid down the law that they are too old to jump on the couch and their beds, but they still jump on mine. When we move, we hope to have a wood burning furnace so I can tire those little muscles out with some chopping.
I am impressed that everyone rests on Thursday. good job.
My sister, Leslie is coming home to visit for Christmas and so I can relate about your excitement to see Morgan.